The OPERATION project aims to empower individuals in small towns and cities in Lithuania and Türkiye with the skills and knowledge to promote environmentally friendly practices and protect their communities' natural surroundings. By leveraging outdoor experiential learning, it supports vulnerable students, fosters environmental responsibility among adults, promotes inclusive education, and enhances partner organizations' capacity to integrate innovative learning methods and address challenges in adult education.

About the project
To educate 70 individuals in 8 small towns and cities in Lithuania & Türkiye with the information and skills permitting them to become actors of improvement in their neighborhoods in regards to environmentally friendly methods and environmental protection
To develop eight non-formal learning opportunities that use outdoor experiential learning and are geared toward potentially vulnerable students while also taking into account the specific learners ’ needs of this target group.
To introduce adults to their local natural environment and foster a sense of responsibility for environmental protection.
To encourage a healthy, active social life at any ages and to create a welcoming place for students of all abilities to learn.to improve partner organizations' abilities to integrate Outdoor Experiental Education ( OEE ) in their work and their capacity to collaborate on future projects
Our project activities are aimed at improving the availability of high quality, flexible and recognised learning for adults with the focus on environment and fight against climate change.


The mission of NGO Darnoje ("In Harmony") is to empower individuals to become more self-confident, aware, socially engaged, and healthier by offering diverse activities that promote intercultural learning experiences.
Email: info@darnoje.info

The Education Center ULUSLARARASI MUĞLA EĞİTİM KÜLTÜR VE SANAT DERNEĞİ (UMEKS) is the founded in 2022 and located in Muğla, Turkey. UMEKS ‘s functions include not only educational functions, but also functions of promoting culture, motivation for job search, social mentoring and others.